
new vactrol synth design

It seems as if my "vactrol pattern synthesizer" youtube video has been pretty popular lately. Almost 5,000 views... which is pretty cool to me. Anyway, many people have expressed interest in wanting to buy or build one for themselves. Because of this, I've been working on an updated version that is not only better but also requires less components. Just 2 ICs, a couple of capacitors, and a vactrol... thats it! The first version is almost done. I should have a schematic and some samples up soon. In the mean time here is the original.

more info about first vactrol pattern synth here


Anonymous said...

I would tealy love to see the schematic soon......


Bill Thompson said...

totally, it's really impressive what you've done and such economical design...would it be too much to ask for gif/jpeg of the circuit board...i build elec devices too, but still scratch my head reading schematics...

thanks for the great work!


Anonymous said...

hey was wondering which input you use when triggering it with the tr 606 thanks

polo said...

Hi, i really love your works, can I have a schematic for the Vactrol Synth 2.0 and the Vactrol Pattern Synth, I wish I can make a clone for some gigs, Thank you
Marco (marco619@alice.it)

ana said...

did you have the schematic for this?

its a great work!

ana (ak.rozasc@gmail dot com)