

HARDcoded :: Digital Punk Magicians

SAT Dec 08 2007
1 PM - 9 PM
1550 N. Milwaukee Ave 3rd Fl. Chicago, IL 60622


CentroMultiMedia + BORDER
Mexico City DF, Mexico

HARDcoded is an ongoing collaboration between newMedia artists in Chicago and Mexico City, that explore the cross-over between digital noise, punk, and magic. HARDcoded is a wordplay between embedded/non-mailable data sets in software development, like End User License Agreements (or EULA) or closed-source proprietary computer applications, and the xXxHARDCORExXx ethic of Punk culture. Our (artists and organizers alike) approach to reconstruct/disrupt the controlled environment of digital technology by breaking these social devices with wizardry. Here, wizardry is informed by Tolkien references in early moments of information technology and digital networking, as well as playfully applying narratives of spell casting, enchantment, and fantasy to the otherwise dull architecture of cyberspace. This wizardy of course would be nothing without "magic." This "magic," which serves as ironic term with a critical bent, can break the spell of traditional methods of cultural communication and sharing in an ever-growing oppressive state.

HARDcoded seeks to create a space where ruptures in our digital playing field (glitch, noise, and hacked/repurposed material/tools) can take precedence over the norms of our contemporary static digital landscape. The collaboration borrows from a Punk ethics/ethos and the necessity for a sustainable break away from the normative practices of commercial platforms. By invoking these ideologies/methodologies HARDcoded hopes to provide/facilitate a DIY/DIT network of subversion. In attempting to approach this task, HARDcoded wishes to provide a social platform of workshops, talks, and performances (and hybrids of these three) to enable these fissures to break through the veil of our closed-source expectations and reliance.

The Program consists of workshops/talks by ::

[1PM – 2.30PM ] Alex Ignlizian + Mark Beasley + Cassandra Rosas (Hardware Hacking/Building)
[2.30 PM – 3 PM] Jake Elliot dai5ychain.net (Reprogramming Computer Literacy)
[3 PM – 3.30 PM] Marisa Plumb Working Engineer, Pathegon corp. (Lecture/Performance)
[3. 30 PM – 4.30] PM Temporary Services temporaryservices.org (Lecture on Urban Hacktivism)
[4.30 PM – 5 PM] criticalartware criticalartware.net (Media Art Histories Lecture)

[5 PM – 7 PM]
Installation By ::
Mark Beasley (DotMatrix Printer + Sound Installation)
Paul Hertz collaboratory.nunet.net/phertz/ (Ignotus the Mage, Performance/Installation)
[7 PM – 9 PM]
Nightly Performances/screening by ::

Valerie Brewer (Machinima Video)
Professor Pangaea (Machinima Video)
CHHO (The Chicago Hacked Hardware Orchestra, Performance from Workshop)
criticalartware w/ Morgan Higby Flowers criticalartware.net (Realtime Artware Development Performance)
I <3>